1000 Outlook Express Setup 1001 Uninstalling Outlook Express will also uninstall the Microsoft Outlook Newsreader.\n\nAre you sure you want to uninstall Outlook Express? 1002 Outlook Express can only be installed on computers running Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0. 1003 Application Data 1005 Outlook Express has been removed successfully. 1006 This will remove Outlook Express.\n\nDo you wish to continue? 1007 Outlook Express 1008 Launch Outlook Express 1009 Launch Mail 1010 Outlook Express News 1011 Internet News 1012 Internet Mail 1013 Address Book 1014 Internet Explorer 1016 Mail Recipient 1017 Mail Signature 1018 News Signature 1019 You must have administrator privileges to uninstall this application. 1020 The Uninstall was not completely successful. 1021 You must restart your computer for the uninstall to complete.\n\nDo you want to restart your computer now? 1023 Unable to allocate memory. Aborting. 1024 Initialization failure. Aborting. 1025 Unable to load Advpack.dll. Aborting. 1026 Advpack.dll is missing a needed export. Aborting. 1027 Address Book Setup 1028 This will remove the Address Book.\n\nDo you wish to continue? 1030 Setup was not entirely successful - future upgrades or uninstalls may be problematic. 1032 Services\ 1033 Microsoft Shared\Stationery\ 1034 Help\ 1035 System\ 1036 URL:MailTo Protocol 1037 URL:News Protocol 1038 Makes it easy to read e-mail and Internet newsgroups. Also provides access to the Windows Address Book and directory services. 1039 Uninstall requires at least Internet Explorer 5 to work correctly. If you continue, setup may not be able to restore the previous version of this application. Do you want to continue? 1040 Uninstalling Outlook Express 6 may prevent Microsoft Phone from functioning. Do you wish to continue? 1206 Uninstalling Outlook Express 6 may prevent Outlook from functioning. Do you wish to continue?